Cloning a C# Project

Follow along with the provided walkthroughs to learn how to clone repos into Visual Studio. Try it out on your own by forking and cloning the LaunchCodeEducation/csharp-web-dev-examples repository page. First, fork the repository into your own GitHub account by selecting Fork from the top right of the page and then clone the newly-created repository to your own machine to start working on it locally.

Windows Users

Clone a Git Repository in Visual Studio

Note the path where you save this repo.

Mac Users

Cloning an Existing Repo

Be sure to note the Target Folder where this repo is saved.


If you do not have an Open With Visual Studio button on Github, that is okay! On the documentation page above, they provide instructions in case you are using an alternate Git provider. Follow these instructions to clone your repository using menu options without having to go through Github.

Exploring the Cloned Repo in Your Terminal

While you can do this through the Visual Studio interface, you should practice using the terminal as well. The interface may change or some places may test your comfort with the terminal. Keep practicing those command line skills!

Once you have cloned it in Visual Studio, locate the repo using your terminal.

On a Windows machine, it is a path you saved your repo at. On a Mac, it’s in the Target Folder.

Once you find the repo, cd into it. Look for the Solution file which uses the .sln file type.

students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ ls
HelloMethods                 csharp-web-development-examples.sln

The csharp-web-development-examples solution contains 2 separate projects: HelloMethods and TempConverter. A single solution can hold multiple projects.

Try to open the solution using the command line prompt:

Windows Users: start *.sln

Mac Users: open *.sln


It may take a while for Visual Studio to start up. Be patient! Sometimes just clicking on the icon can help bring the solution pane to the forefront of your screen.

Return to the terminal. Locate your Program.cs file for the HelloMethods project. This will be contained in the project directory of the same name.

students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ ls
HelloMethods                 csharp-web-development-examples.sln
students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ cd HelloMethods
students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ ls
HelloMethods.csproj  Message.cs              Program.cs

You have now stepped into the project files for HelloMethods. All of the files here are related to the HelloMethods project.

As you work with repos in this unit, some solutions may contain a single project and others may contain multiple.

How to Work with a Cloned Repo

We recommend using the terminal to open and work with your repos. You will be able to interact with git easily this way.

Use the terminal to locate the repo you wish to open. cd into the solution. You can verify this by looking for a file that has the .sln type. Use the command prompt above for your operating system.

Open the solution file tree in Visual Studio. If you see multiple projects, you can select which one to run two ways:

  1. Right-clicking on the name of the project and selecting the Run option.
  2. Open the project’s Program.cs file then use the run button in the menu bar.

Check Your Understanding


Which file is the solution?

students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ ls
HelloMethods                      csharp-web-development-examples.sln
  1. TempConverter
  2. HelloMethods
  3. csharp-web-development-examples.sln
  4. Program.cs

Where would Willow find the Program.cs file for the TempConverter project?

students-computer:csharp-web-development-examples student$ ls
HelloMethods                      csharp-web-development-examples.sln
  1. Inside the TempConverter project
  2. Inside the HelloMethods project
  3. Inside csharp-web-development-examples.sln
  4. None of the above